
The Epistle to the Ephesians: A Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

A classic ecumenical commentary on Ephesians. In addition to detailed exegesis, Schnackenburg pays special attention to the history of interpretation of Ephesians, taking account of comparative material in the history of religion and, at the end of each exegetical section, shows how findings are relevant for today. The theological focus is the concept of the church, giving rise to ecumenical...

stressed as the Creator of the universe in 3:9—a fact significant for the author’s ‘theological’ thinking. It is the same God the Father who created all things, who through Christ once more subjected the broken world to his authority (cf. 1:20–2) and intends to complete his work in the Church. Christian confidence of salvation finds its most solid basis and support in this universal Father (4:6) the God of Jesus Christ (1:17) and merciful God of love (2:4). The main concern of the author’s supplication
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